City Council Vacancy

The Sheridan City Council met for their second regular business meeting of February Monday night. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
During a February 12 study session of the Sheridan City Council, Councilman Shawn Day announced his resignation due to a recent move outside of City limits which makes him ineligible to be a member of the Council. Day’s term runs through the end of this year. A resolution declaring a City Council vacancy and method for filling the position was presented to the governing body by City Administrator Stu McRae Monday night.
Other business from the meeting included the Council voting to table a bar and grill license application from Wyoming Horse Racing, LLC dba Horse Palace and third and final reading approval of an ordinance to rezone property at 1600 Solutions Way from B-2 to Higher Education. We’ll have more from the Council meeting in future stories.