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Governor, State health Officer Extend Public Health Orders Through April 17

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Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon and State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist have extended the three existing statewide health orders in an effort to slow community transmission of coronavirus and to protect lives. Governor Gordon said that current orders closing public places including schools, prohibiting gatherings of 10 people or more in a single room or confined space (including outdoors) and closing bars, restaurants, coffee shops and some personal services businesses will continue through April 17.

Governor Gordon

Food establishments can continue to provide take out and delivery services under the public health orders. Governor Gordon said that he is in continuous communication with officials with the Wyoming Department of Health and is prepared to issue updated guidance– including further statewide orders– should conditions warrant. Dr. Harrist emphasized the extension of the current orders is necessary because it takes time for social distancing measures to effectively slow the spread of COVID-19 and to monitor the impacts of those measures on the outbreak in Wyoming.

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