Town Hall Meeting at The Hub on Smith

The Hub on Smith in Sheridan will be hosting a Town Hall meeting with local legislators before they travel to Cheyenne for the 2024 Legislative Session, which is set to begin on February 12th.
The Town Hall will be held on Tuesday, February 6 from 1 to 2:30 pm at the Hub on Smith. Legislators will provide a summary of their recent work, shed light on the issues they plan to address and outline their goals for the upcoming legislative session. Following their presentations, a question and answer period will be held. This year’s Legislative Session is a budget session that is scheduled to begin February 12 and culminate on March 8.

Ronald LeBlanc
February 3, 2024 at 6:15 pm
Excuses or trick legislation, that’s all they have to offer. They’ve had years to fix this and now they’re gonna. Sure thing. Their voting record shows tax and spend. Oh, and they save our money in the state’s fat bank account. The Property Tax Initiative goes around our impotent legislators to actually get something done. Time to change Cheyenne’s diapers.