1 year agoon
cvannoySCSD#3 Board discusses purchasing local beef
The SCSD#3 School Board held a work session prior to their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 11, to discuss purchasing local beef for the school lunch program.
Although the cost was mentioned, Trustee Trinity Lewis commented that the quality of the beef, and knowing that it was locally raised was more important than just the cost.
After a lengthy discussion by the board, Wade Betz, Vice-Chairman talked to Sheridan Media about implementing the program,
In his superintendent’s report, Christensen updated the board on the fuel depot for refueling the buses and school vehicles. The fuel depot is an on-going project.
Clearmont School Ranks well in Accrediation Review
On Wednesday, October 25, a team of peer reviewers from the Wyoming Department of Education came to the Arvada-Clearmont school to observe, comment about how the school is doing, and give recommendations for improvement.
Karen Wattenmaker, team leader, said they don’t accredit the schools. “SCSD#3 is accredited,” she said. The review tells the school how it is doing and what it can do better.
SCSD#3 had several strengths. One strength mentioned was the climate and culture of the school and how they care about the kids and the community. “The collaboration is exceptional,” she said. She said in the classrooms the team saw a lot of impressive things going on. “The path that you’re on is the right path,” she added.
Another positive they commented on was the fact that the teachers know every student, and every student has an adult they trust and can talk to in the school.
After the review team gave their presentation, the board members and the teachers commented about the review. Activities director and teacher Jennifer Betz talked about how impressed the team was with the students,
Chase Christensen, superintendent, felt the peer review was positive for the school, and said that the school was on the right path. “We will do tomorrow what we did yesterday,” he said
Legislators meet with SCSD#3 Shareholders
On Tuesday night, Senators Dave Kinskey and Bo Biteman along with Representatives Barry Crago, and Cyrus Western, met with Clearmont residents over a dinner hosted by SCSD#3 to talk about school concerns.
Topics included the block grant, about which Wade Betz, SCSD#3 School Board Vice-chairmen, voiced his concern.
Senator Bo Biteman responded about the block grant.
There was a general consensus among the legislators that the block grant was not going anywhere any time soon.
Other topics discussed included school choice, and Senator Kinskey said that even though small schools often feel threatened by school choice, as they are afraid of losing students, research has proved that small schools lose the least students to school choice. “Small schools are usually the least affected,” Kinskey said.
Over 20 concerned Clearmont area residents attended the forum.