A Roomful of Exhibits at Science Fair

Around 50 students filled one room at Sheridan College with science displays ranging from plant science to solving crimes to medicines.
Rob Milne Chemistry Instructor, Science Area Coordinator talked about the fair at the college.
TRMS science teacher Susie Fisher talked about the kids that competed in the fair this year.

She added a congratulations to TRMS 8th graders for completing the Northeast Regional Junior Science Fair. They spent the last 4 1/2 months working on their science fair projects, many of them working with professionals in their field (engineers, professors, etc.).

This year’s winners in the fair were:
Overall 1st Place: Aubrey B.-How do hormones affect plant propagation? Overall 2nd Place: Keen S. – Compost vs. Fertilizer: Which one impacts plant growth most? Overall 3rd Place: Kade, Vance, Hatcher- Can we harness excess energy from solar panels using a weight-powered energy system?

Aubrey had this to say about her project
Microbiology: 1st Place: Lily & Jacob- How clean are everyday objects? 2nd Place: Sarah B- Which strawberry molds faster: organic or non-organic? 3rd Place: Elianna- How does brushing your tongue affect bacteria growth on your tongue?

Sarah said about her project
Plant Science: 1st Place: Aubrey B.-How do hormones affect plant propagation? 2nd Place: Keen S.- Compost vs. Fertilizer: Which one impacts plant growth most? 3rd Place: Addie P. & Leah M- How do everyday pollutants affect grass growth?
Behavior & Social Science: 1st Place: Stella- Does incentivizing lying impact males & females differently? 2nd Place: Haley B. & Emma S. – Does anxiety affect performance in sports? 3rd Place: Adam B. -Are video games on school nights good for your child?
Earth & Environmental Science: 1st Place: Shayla & Aubrey K. -Did toxic algae growth kill my cows? 2nd Place: Ian & Elle- How safe are our schools drinking water? 3rd Place: Calder- How much carbon dioxide is in classrooms?
Energy: Sustainability 1st Place: Kade, Vance, Hatcher- Can we harness excess energy from solar panels using a weight-powered energy system? 2nd Place: Cian- Can a brush on solar panels increase their efficiency? 3rd Place: Stratton, Garrett, Abe – Fartmaker: How to create biogas.

Animal Sciences: 1st Place: Sebastian- Thermoregulation in Crickets 2nd Place: Kiearra- How does temperature affect fish respiration?
Physics: 1st Place: Tyrel – Which derailer helps increase speed?
2nd Place: Miles- Can you create energy using magnets?
Robotics: 1st Place: Wyatt B. & Nolan- Is a gyro sensor worth the effort?
Medical: 1st Place: Adison & Jocelyn-Generic or name-brand: Which Tylenol type dissolves fastest?
Embedded Systems (Computer Science): 1st Place: Annabelle- Can I create a sensor using Arduino technology to scare deer from my garden?
Chemistry: 1st Place: Aiden & Alyssa- Storing Insulin on a Budget: Creating Low-Cost Coolers
Material Science: 1st Place: Wyatt P. & Dillon- Can we solve a crime by using fingerprinting?
Engineering Technology: 1st Place: Kassidy- Which bridge design is strongest?

Woody Springfield, who is Native American, did a project about Native American plants. He explains why he chose that subject.
Fisher added “A special thanks to our 32 volunteer judges, Rob Milne from Sheridan College for helping organize and doing some amazing chemistry demonstrations, and all the staff and parents who helped students with their projects! Students who received top 3 in their category are invited to the State Science Fair in March at the University of Wyoming!”