50 Years and Counting

In 1972 the Senior Citizen’s Coordinating Council was formed out of a growing need for services for seniors in Sheridan. A year later the Council applied for non-profit status and began serving senior citizens in Sheridan County with a transit service for local seniors, called the Sheridan Minibus. Half a century later, what is now known as The Hub on Smith, continues to serve seniors and the community with a multi-purpose senior center with eight major programming areas. The Hub on Smith Executive Director Carmen Rideout recently provided an update to the Sheridan City Council on the services they provide.
Rideout talked about the support center, which she said is one of their newest program areas.
Rideout also provided information on Goose Creek Transit.
Rideout said they’ve been celebrating their 50th anniversary this year with various events to commemorate the occasion. She said the official day when The Hub on Smith turns 50 is Sunday, December 17. More on The Hub on Smith, the services they provide, and how you can volunteer can be found here.