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DOC Response to COVID-19

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Cheyenne, As you are all aware COVID-19 continues to be a significant and continuing public health risk. The State of Wyoming and the Wyoming Department of Corrections have developed plans to maintain the health and safety of our staff members, those incarcerated, and the public. In the coming days, we anticipate we will need to take additional steps as the situation evolves.

As of today, March 18, 2020, the Wyoming Department of Corrections has no reported cases of staff or incarcerated individuals with COVID-19. However, there are a number of changes to normal operations that may affect the public.

Visitation and Volunteer Programs

Based on the current emergency situation, we have made changes to inmate visitation and programming to protect our staff and population. Effective today, March 18, 2020 inmate visitation and volunteer programs are temporarily suspended at all WDOC locations. Attorney/legal visitation will be restricted to non-contact or video/phone conference. In the event of an extraordinary circumstance, the WDOC may approve limited contact visitation when absolutely necessary. As we move forward, we will continue to evaluate and monitor these restrictions on a weekly basis. 

Site Access

We have implemented enhanced screening for all staff, visitors, contractors, program staff and incarcerated individuals entering our facilities to include taking temperatures and completing a screening questionnaire.  This process will be implemented on a 24/7 basis and will occur prior to any person entering the secure perimeter of a total confinement facility. Any person unable to pass the security screening parameters will be denied access to the facility. This will be mandatory for anyone entering the area including employees, vendors, contractors and others.

Testing and Monitoring

WDOC’s health services team has developed a specific protocol for COVID-19 screening, testing and infection control that they are updating regularly. The inmate population will be closely monitored for anyone who exhibits signs or symptoms of the virus who can then be seen by the appropriate medical professionals for evaluation and/or testing.

We want to thank all those affected for their patience and understanding during this difficult period.

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