District 2 Providing Lunches for Students

Sheridan County School District 2 has been providing meals on a “grab-and-go” basis at all of the district’s schools in Sheridan and Story this week.
Candace Garner, who’s the district’s food service director, said the grab-and-go system will end after Friday, as the district goes into spring break for the next week, and what happens after that will depend on the district’s decisions regarding how to resume classes.
Under the hybrid model, some students would be allowed to attend classes in a school building.
Meals have been provided free to all students in the district who are 18 and under. Garner said under the current grab-and-go system, students at the schools in Sheridan can pick up their meals between 10 a.m. and noon during the weekday.
Because of the smaller size of Story Elementary School, pickup times there are from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Garner said the school district has an online menu that parents can see. She said parents can go onto the school district’s website and select the “menu” option for that.