SCSD#3 Board Discusses Beef Program, Fuel Depot

The SCSD#3 School Board held a work session prior to their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 11, and one item they discussed was the purchasing of local beef for the school lunch program.
Although the cost was mentioned, Trustee Trinity Lewis commented that the quality of the beef, and knowing that it was locally raised, was more important than just the cost.
After a lengthy discussion by the board, Wade Betz, Vice-Chairman talked to Sheridan Media about implementing the program,
Betz also chaired the regular meeting in the absence of Amy Vineyard, Board Chair.
The board welcomed guest Shane Rader, who is the chairman of the SCSD#1 Board, and who is the WSBA (Wyoming School Boards Assocation) Area Seven Director, representing Sheridan and Johnson Counties.

He gave a report to the board about the WSBA upcoming events, and added,
He also said that he had talked with Arvada-Clearmont Board Trustee Trinity Lewis, about the WSBA’s membership in the NSBA, and Rader said that the WSBA is no longer a member of the national organization.
Superintendent Chase Christensen talked about the upcoming Accreditation Peer Review Exit meeting and community listening session on Oct. 25, beginning at 2 p.m. He also noted that the legislative dinner will be on Dec. 4 at 5:30 p.m.

In his superintendent’s report, Christensen talked about the fuel depot project.
He also updated the board on the tree planting project, saying that it was probably too late to plant this fall, but they may look at planting some trees in the spring. One reason is to help to cool the rooms on the west side of the school, as during the spring and fall the sun makes the rooms uncomfortably hot. He also talked about proposed A/C units for the 7-12 rooms.
In other business, the board held a silent vote for the appointment of a new board member to replace Chris Schock, who resigned his position in September. In a 3-0 vote the board voted to offer the position to Deb Guyer of Clearmont.
Next meeting will Nov. 8, at 7 p.m.