SEEDA Administrator Outlines Budget Process

Robert Briggs, who’s administrator of the Sheridan Economic and Educational Development Authority, said SEEDA’s budget is just in the conceptual phase at present.
Briggs outlined the budget process at a meeting of the SEEDA joint powers board earlier this week. Briggs presented a draft conceptual budget to board members, but he said the budget is no more at this stage than a concept of where SEEDA might be going.
He said he will send copies of that to the city council and the Northern Wyoming Community College District board of trustees.
The city and Sheridan College are the members of the joint powers board. Briggs said the draft budget will go to the city council and college trustees by the end of this month for their review and input.

He said historically, the SEEDA board considers the full budget draft at the June meeting and formally adopts the budget by the third Thursday in July. Briggs said budget hearings will be scheduled closer to that date.