1 year agoon
cvannoyClearmont Town Council held a public meeting on Monday, August 21 on the subject of hiring Mike Guyer, Clearmont resident, as town marshal. Sixteen Clearmont residents attended the meeting.
Guyer talked about his law enforcement experience.
Pastor Cody Ramsay, of the Clearmont Community Church, expressed a positive opinion of hiring a town Marshall, saying he was concerned about school and town safety, and the fact that the Sheridan County law enforcement is 40 minutes away. He said that many people come through Clearmont on the back road, and some of them might be criminals.
Other residents were concerned with the cost, but Guyer added he volunteered to do the job for $800 per month. Another resident, Ira Roadifer, added this opinion
Chase Christensen, superintendent at Arvada-Clearmont School, felt that having a police presence in the community would be a positive attribute, and would help to keep the students safe.
Sheriff Levi Dominguez attended the meeting as well and said he and the Sheridan County Sheriff’s office, would support whichever way the council decided on the town marshal.
The council went into executive session, and later in new business, when Mayor Chris Schock asked for a motion on the subject of hiring a town marshal, no one made a motion and the motion died.
In other town business Pete Bassett, maintenance man, talked about the dumpsters for trash and Chris George, Clearmont resident, will work with Bassett to find out about other options for the dumpsters. Bassett also reported that the new snow plow is on order and should be here in October.
The barking dog ordinance in the town was discussed, but no action was taken.
A new council member, Kaelan Haring, was sworn in to take the seat that councilman Ronnie Poppenga had vacated due to health.
The council moved to accept the Big Horn Co-op bid for propane for the upcoming winter.
The next meeting will be on September 18.