A Look Back in Time: March 1, 1920

Now here’s Sheridan Media’s look back in time, to 100 years ago, by reporter Pat Blair as published in the Sheridan Enterprise newspaper on March 1, 1920.
Ress Philips, supervisor of the Big Horn National Forest for the last three years, has been promoted to the position of district forest inspector with headquarters in Denver. He will leave Sheridan in about six weeks.
H. C. Palmer on Illinois street has sold his residence to Beatty A. Hoyt.
The big motor-driven street sprinkler appeared on Main street this afternoon for the first time this year. While certain side streets still have ice and snow on them, Main street is dry and dusty.
May Fry, who is a resident of Billings, is a visitor in Sheridan. She is a guest at the Western hotel.
For more lookbacks and to see the front page of today’s Sheridan Enterprise, visit