Tass Explains No Vote on Budget Bill

Both versions of the budget have passed third reading in the two bodies of the 65th Wyoming Legislature in the 2020 Budget Session that is currently ongoing. In the House of Representatives, House Bill 1 passed with 48 in favor and 12 opposed. Local Representatives Richard Tass and Mark Jennings both voted nay while Cyrus Western and Mark Kinner voted with the majority. Representative Tass explained why he chose to vote no on the measure.
When asked what would it take for him to throw his support towards the legislation, Tass has this to say in response.
In the other body, Senate File 1 passed on third reading by a margin of 22 in favor, 6 opposed, and 2 excused. Both Local Senators Bo Biteman and Dave Kinskey voted in the affirmative. To view and track the budget bills, follow the links below.
House Bill 1:
Senate File 1: