Sheridan Memorial Hospital To Conduct Community Health Needs Assessment

Now-a-days, when you go to a hospital or doctor’s office you might get a text message survey afterwards, asking about your recent visit.
Sheridan Memorial Hospital will soon be conducting its own survey regarding future visits.
The hospital will be conducting a community health needs assessment for the Sheridan area and it doesn’t matter if survey respondents are current or former patients of the hospital.
The purpose is to get a better understanding regarding the needs of the community.
Hospital President Mike McCafferty says the hospital does the assessment every few years to not only understand the needs, but also to see if and how much things have changed since the last time.
“What’s the age of our population? What are the health needs of individuals? Some of the things that we’ll be looking at will be around some of the social determinants of health, mental health, food insecurities, those kinds of things, that all contribute to the health of a community.”
McCafferty adds he estimates having the assessment completed by July.