Enrollment Numbers For Sheridan College Spring 2023 Semester Increase From Spring 2022

Sheridan College is continuing to show signs that enrollment numbers have recovered from the covid pandemic.
As of the end of the fall semester of last year, full term enrollment at the main campus was up nearly 4% compared to end of fall semester 2021, and the Johnson County campus was up 42%.
Those numbers are a duplicated count of students and are enrolled in more than one course.
As for headcount numbers, which is not a duplicated count, Sheridan College was up 11.3% as of the end of the recent fall semester compared to fall 2021, and Johnson County was up 14.6%.
College President Dr. Walter Tribley says part of the reason for the increase is because of the evening plus program that the college started this time last year, plus the faculty has been open to teaching certain courses within that program.
“They come up with the ideas, they have the passion, they deliver the goods and so it’s the creativity we have in our faculty and I hope that it provides some fun for them as well. They do a great job teaching the bread and butter classes to our degree seeking students for example and then they get to do something that might be a little outside of that.”
Classes for the spring semester started on Monday, January 23rd.
So far enrollment numbers compared to this time last year are up 8% in Sheridan, and the Johnson County campus is up more than 74%.
Headcount numbers in Sheridan are up more than 10% and Johnson County is up more than 91%.