City’s Department Heads Discuss Snow Response

During the last Buffalo City Council meeting, Building Inspector Terry Asay wanted to remind residents about city code concerning snow and snow removal.
Asay said it makes it difficult for city crews to plow streets when snow is piled up in front of resident’s driveways.
City Works employee Larry Joubert, in his report, said he wanted to commend his crews for their hard work and the amount of hours they put in during the recent snowstorm and cold spell.
Mayor Shane Schrader also thanked Joubert and his department for their hard work during the storm, saying he saw trucks out early in the morning and also late at night to keep roads cleared.

Brian Young
January 3, 2023 at 8:40 am
What about people that haven’t cleared sidewalks on Main Street? Watched two people fall because snow or ice on sidewalks.