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SCSD#3 Board Discusses Mission Statement, School Funding in Work Session

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Due to weather, the SCSD#3 School board held a virtual work session preceding the monthly board meeting on Wednesday Dec. 14.

The trustees heard two speakers via zoom, Joel Dvorak and Representative Barry Crago.

Dvorak spoke to the board about what he could do to help them with strategic planning and updating the mission and vision for the Clearmont School. He has worked as a teacher and a coach in many schools around Sheridan County and Wyoming.

Dvorak retired from teaching and now has a non-profit LLC, Joe Dvorak and Associates. He has worked with other schools, including the John C. Schiffer school, helping to facilitate what the school could be.

Helping school districts with vision and mission work, helping them reach their goals has been right up his alley. He said, “I enjoy the process of working with teams and groups and communities and helping them find their mission and vision.”

When talking about Arvada-Clearmont school’s plan, Dvorak said he wanted to:

He said that the easiest part of the process is to determine and update what the mission and vision is, and define your strategic goals for school and built healthy accountability structures around those key strategics. The hardest part is making sure these critical strategics are happening. The school has to implement these in a healthy way.

He also felt that Arvada-Clearmont might want a tag line, like Nike, when someone says, “Just do it,” people think of Nike.

He felt that 3 to 5 goals were enough for most school districts. He added,

In updating their mission and vision he felt it was important to ask for input from the middle school and high school students, the administration and community members. He suggested that forums would be the best way to facilitate this process. It was important for all people concerned with the school to have a voice in the planning, as well as key members in the community.

Trustee Chris Schock mentioned even letting elementary kids in on the forums, as it is going to be their mission statement as well.

Chris Schock

Dvorak said that the board should be able to impact the learning of the students in a positive way, and the strategic plan gives them a way to do that.

The second speaker was Representative Barry Cargo, who talked about several bills in the legislature that affect education in Wyoming. “You guys are my eyes and ears on the ground. You know education.” he said.

One bill he mentioned was the corporal punishment bill, which he said he was a little nervous about, feeling it could open a whole new can of worms that we don’t need to open up.

“If a teacher breaks up a fight and grabs a student’s arm is that corporal punishment?” Crago asked. All the school systems except one and they have handled it on the local level. “I’d be interested in your comments about it,” Crago said.

Chairman Amy Vineyard shared her idea on the bill

One of the biggest issues for SCSD#3 is the funding, as well as state control of the decisions made for Wyoming schools. Crago addressed these concerns.

He said he thinks there is a push in certain circles to take local control away from schools. We are going to see bills in Cheyenne on that issue. He said he would fight against that all the way.

Vineyard felt that the new members in the legislator should be educated on how the school funding works, and how it works in small schools like Clearmont. She added that it takes money to hire teachers, and to keep the school open.

Trustee Wade Betz mentioned that Clearmont School doesn’t fit their model very well. He also wondered why there was not much conversation about teacher salaries, as many teachers in other states get paid a great deal more than teachers get paid in Clearmont, and that teachers are important to student success. He felt the corporal punishment bill was a waste of time. “I don’t think it happens enough to matter. Let a sleeping dog lie.” He also thanked Crago for his support of the small schools.

Crago also encourage everyone to come to the legislative session in Cheyenne. Superintendent Chase Christensen said that he as well as many of the board members plan to attend the February 5-6 WSBA legislative session, and they will touch base with Crago there.

After the presentations, the board adjourned, and reconvened for the regular meeting at 7 p.m.

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