SHS Students Take State Championship in We the People Competition

Students who were at the competition in the above photo are: Front Row Miles Hadfield, Bae-John Heyneman, and Nicholas Glinos Lobach: Second Row Kim Ferguson (Teacher), Jada Berry, Samantha Osborne, Henry Craft, Terran Grooms, Callista Roush, Madelyn Katschke, Mike Thomas (Teacher); Third Row Garrett Spielman, Lillian Kelly, Georgia Gould; Fourth Row Anna Flickinger, Aaron Bujans, Grace Hinton, Gabriella Wright, Maria Foreman, Lincoln Carroll: Fifth Row Adeline Pendergast, Luca Sinclair, Elizabeth Siskin, Katelyn Reckard, Allison Ligocki; Sixth Row Cole Brennan, Landis Zebroski, Chloe Rickett, Peter LaRosa, Kolin Custis, Dane Steel.
Sheridan High School Students traveled to Cheyenne the first of the week, to compete in the We the People competition. Michael Thomas Sheridan High School social studies teacher talked about the We the People program and the win.
Thomas explained that We the People and The Center for Civic Education were started by Congress in 1987, it’s an in-depth study of the constitution and our system of government. There are six units, and each unit covers topics from the philosophical and historical foundations of the government all the way up to current events. Each student is assigned a unit and the goal is to become experts on each of those topics.

\Unit 5 Grace Hinton, Allison Ligocki, Georgia Gould, Maria Foreman (Robert Warmack Award- highest scoring unit in the state) (courtesy photo)
He said there were 15 teams that competed in Cheyenne. Thomas said that in order to qualify for the state competition, teams had to be in the top six.
He added that the depth of knowledge has to be really deep on each subject because the judges can ask anything related to the topics.

Thomas talked about the other wins the team had in Cheyenne.
Just like in a congressional hearing where congress can bring in expert witnesses, students have to become experts on the constitution and our government. The team plans to go to Nationals in Washington, DC in April.