SCSD#2 Board Met with a Full Agenda

Kristie Garriffa introduces Cameron Reckard as a Merit Semi-Finalist
The SCSD#2 addressed many issues at the Monday, October 3 meeting. Shawn Stevens, Transportation Director recognized the bus drivers, saying they have driven over 22,000 miles in the first month of school. “I’ve seen this group go above and beyond in many challenging situations,” he said.
One of the bus drivers expressed concern about the crosswalk at the Junior High School. Douglas Wheeler talked about the issue at the September meeting and felt that it was an accident waiting to happen.
Superintendent Scott Stults addressed the problem, saying:
Stults also talked about the Nationwide Blue Ribbon School Honor that Henry A. Coffeen School achieved. Coffeen is one of only 297 schools in the nation and there were only two schools in Wyoming recognized in 2022.

Kristie Garriffa announced three National Merit Semi-Finalists, Aiden Moran, Cameron Reckard and Kyle Rockwell, saying that they qualified by taking the 2021 preliminary ACT test. “It is a prestigious achievement,” she added.
Activities director Kasey Garnhart talked three other winners at SHS.
The board also listened to the principals of the elementary schools and their improvement plans and how each elementary school is doing so far this year. Trustee Ed Fessler said he could not be prouder of the teachers and principals of the Sheridan schools.
Stults talked about transparency in the schools, and the best way for parents to address their concerns, starting with their child’s teachers. He added that Sheridan schools do want parental input on their children’s education.
Chairman Sue Wilson read a resignation from Trustee Shellie Szmyd, who is moving out of the district.
Wilson also talked about transparency, saying that the minutes of board meetings are available to the public, and at any of the schools one can talk to teachers and principals.
She said that, they are upfront about what the board does. The work sessions and meetings are open to the public. She urged parents to get involved as well, and to “go to the parent-teacher conferences, attend the celebrations and school activities. Don’t listen to rumors, but find out for yourselves.”
She pointed out the SJHS crosswalk issue that was brought before the board in September, saying that the board does address parent’s concerns. It’s not a matter of the board member saying “Thank you” and then going on.

Wilson spoke on the problems the board faced the last two years during the Covid-19 crisis and the often-hateful emails and texts that the board members were subjected to during that time.
Fessler mentioned the lawsuit filed last year and said he was pleased to report:
The board also voted to approve bids for updated badge readers in the schools for security purposes; a chiller upgrade at the Junior high school, and replacement of the turf at Sheridan High School, which is currently the oldest artificial turf of any school in Wyoming, and needs replaced.