Sheridan VA 100 Year Celebration Held on Saturday

A rain on Friday night didn’t dampen the 100 Year Celebration of the Sheridan VA Medical Center held on Saturday, Oct. 1. A good crowd listened to the music, enjoyed the numerous vendors and events on the VA grounds.

The Sheridan VA Medical Center has cared for Veterans for 100 years, with the first patients arriving in June of 1922. The fort itself and many of the buildings are older, having been built in 1899. There are 48 historic structures at the fort that are listed as a part of the Fort Mackenzie National Register of Historic Places district. The Fort today is a first-class veteran’s hospital.

Events at the 100-Year celebration included free food for enrolled veterans, a fly-fishing challenge with the local Project Healing Waters team and coffee from The Columbian Guy Coffee Van.

There was a car shows with vehicles from the Model A & Pioneer Car Club of Sheridan and Johnson Counties, Karz Club of Sheridan and Bighorn Mountain Crawlers 4×4 Club.

One booth was from Rooted in Wyoming. Jodi Kenney Project & Outreach Coordinator, talked about the Veteran’s Administration garden.
She added that Rooted in Wyoming helped to install a new fence to keep deer and rabbits out of the garden.

Christa and Ed Grywusiewicz brought a team and a wagon, and several people took the wagon ride. Christa talked about the wagon and team, and the upcoming horses in training.

Other booths included the Casper Mobile Vet Center; old-time photo booth; corn hole; fishing booth for youngsters, and a blacksmith demonstration.