2 years agoon
cvannoyAt the September 14 SCSD#3 Board of Trustees meeting Superintendent Chase Christensen reported to the board on the fact that there was updated technology in all the classrooms. He also reported an enrollment of 82 students this year, which is down from previous years in SCSD#3. Enrollment is normally close to 100 students.
There was discussion about hiring assistant coaches, and the board agreed to leave that decision between the activity director, Jennifer Betz, and the Superintendent.
Greg Rohrer, Business manager, reported that transportation costs were the ‘highest ever’ due to the cost of gas and diesel fuel.
Board policies were discussed, and the board approved the resignation of Henrietta McGary, part time maintenance/custodial.
Tiffany Lewis reported on the WSBA Fall Roundup that she attended, saying she enjoyed sharing of ideas that happened there.
Christensen reported on the WAEA Accountability reports, talking about the strengths and weaknesses they found in SCSD#3.
Most is taken from the WY-TOPP scores. He said that a few categories that the state does not calculate for Clearmont due to its small school size. In elementary the achievement scores are higher than the average, but growth is below. “This year we will be targeting growth.” He added that they are concentrating on setting goals to improve this average.
He said the high school level was very similar, with graduation rates being 100% in the past few years, which exceeds the target of 85% that the state sets. Another category the state calculates is work, college or military readiness of graduates, and Clearmont needs to improve on the college readiness of the students
“We’re going to be targeting improvement here,” Christensen added. On work readiness of students, Christensen said:
He also reported on several grants the district received.
There was a GEER II of $22,769.54, approved, which will be used for professional development and wellness programs for staff; The ESSER III grant for $396,432.09 was approved and will help to bolster the curriculum development in the district, professional development for teachers, continued heightened cleaning regimen in the school; The IDEA Part B was approved for a total of $36,584, and it is for services for special education and preschool; The 22-23 Consolidated Grant of $136,305.50 was also approved, it will support Title I: support for additional literacy and math instruction at the K-6 level, and family engagement, Title IV: Well-rounded education, safe and healthy school, effective use of technology and Title II: teacher quality and professional development; The WY-BILT Grant for $675,000, which addresses literacy from birth through 12th grade. The district will undergo a literacy audit and hire a consultant to help continue the improvement of literacy instruction. A grant from the Wyoming State Energy Program for K-12 Schools Retrofit, which is $12,000 to replace fluorescent lighting in the elementary wing with LED fixtures.
Next meeting will be October 12, at 7 p.m. in the multi-purpose room at the school.