Fulmer expands collections

The Fulmer Library has not gotten rid of any audiobook or teen collection titles, they have been reorganized to allow for growth.
The Fulmer Library has been undergoing construction projects for various reasons for the last few years. Many of the projects have required the staff to find creative ways to serve the community while working around these projects.
Certain sections that have recently been reorganized due to the Fulmer’s growing collection include the audio books and teen collections.
While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, Sheridan Library System Director Cameron Duff said there has been some concern that the collection has been removed. Duff reassured the public that the library is in fact taking steps to ensure the opposite.
Duff also informed parents and tutors that with the beginning of the new school year, adults must be with children while utilizing the meeting and studying rooms at the library. Students and parents can also access research materials through the Sheridan County website with a library card.
Find research and studying materials such as GoWYLD, at the Sheridan County Library System website, here.