WYDOT to meet with City of Sheridan regarding projects

The Wyoming Department of Transportation District Four reports they will meet with the City of Sheridan on Aug. 15, to present their annual State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP). The presentation will include information on local projects and discuss future project funding.
According to WYDOT Senior Public Relations Specialist for District Four, Laura Dalles, the STIP is a six-year program approved by the transportation commission. It provides a snapshot of existing and expected projects and their schedules, and is continually updated. The current STIP is for years 2023-2028 and represents the planned construction, preliminary engineering, and right of way costs of each project. The program also indicates the share of federal funding, state funding and other funding sources for each project. Dalles said that WYDOT pledges to do its best to adhere to this program and to serve the public interest through these projects.
The meeting between the City and WYDOT will be held in the city council chambers at Town Hall and is scheduled for 6 p.m. Aug 15. The public is invited to attend.
For members of the public that cannot make the meeting, feedback can also be provided to WYDOT through their STIP website, here.