City Council Approves Purchase of Refuse and Recycling Containers

A bid award for the purchase of new refuse and recycling containers was an item of consideration at Monday night’s Sheridan City Council meeting. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
The City of Sheridan provides curbside refuse and recycling services for approximately 6,800 residential and 848 commercial customers. Most of the containers are made of plastic and are designed to be emptied by automated side-load refuse trucks. The containers over time, wear out and need to be replaced. The City Council Monday night awarded a bid to Otto Environmental Systems in the amount of $82,339 for 720, 90 gallon refuse containers and 400, 90 gallon recycling containers for the City’s Solid Waste Division. City Utilities Director Dan Roberts.
Otto Environmental Systems was the lowest qualified bid of the two bids that the City received for the containers.