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SCSD#2 Discusses Budget, Maintenance

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Corrine Robbins

SCSD #2 School board of Trustees recognized several Junior and Senior High students, from both the Schiffer School and Sheridan High School, who have been painting in the school buildings this summer.

Troy Decker introduced the students, several who were in attendance at the meeting, and talked about how well they are doing painting this summer. They have painted in the Story School, Highland Park, the High School and in the Central Office.

He talked about how the colors were chosen for the schools and said that all the schools have a base color, but each school and classroom had their own touches of accent colors, he said there were about three accent colors, and each teacher could choose a color for one wall in their classroom.

He introduced Corrine Robbins, JCSCS Staff, who is also working with the students this summer, and she commented on their hard work and how they take pride in their work.

Chairman Sue Wilson said thank you to all the painters.

Decker also introduced Cody Englert, grounds maintenance manager, and how hard they are working during the summer to keep the grounds of the schools looking well-groomed.

Cody Englert

Englert talked briefly and thanked his crew for all the work they are doing to keep the grounds looking well. He said they are trying to keep everything green and make sure everything is getting water. Wilson mentioned that we appreciate all our summer crews and the work they do.

Superintendent Scott Stults added that when the school is well maintained, “Appearance matters, and it sets the tone for who we are, and we have pride in what we do.”

Stults also mentioned that he wanted to clear up some confusion from last week’s board meeting, when a survey was referenced on teacher satisfaction. He said that survey respondents only represented around 9.6% of Wyoming teachers, so he felt the survey did not entirely reflect the teacher’s satisfaction statewide. In the results, around 65% of teachers said they felt dissatisfied with their jobs. Among Sheridan County teachers, Stults said the survey reflected over 90% satisfaction with their jobs.

Decker again spoke to the board about facilities update, with the gym ready for the bleachers, and that they had replaced doors on the bus barn, the new doors actually work, they let light in, and are more energy efficient. He also noted that the stairs and plaza on the SJHS is complete.

Brandon Finney, business manager, presented the budget for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year, and although many prices have increased, being able to keep 30% of the reserve fund instead of the 15% that schools were previously allowed to carry over, would help the finances. He also stated that using local beef was a help on the food budget. After seeing several audience members taking photos of the slides, Chairman Sue Wilson commented that the information is available to the public at the Central Office. The board moved to approve the budget as presented.

Decker also talked about a bid for the upgrading of the automation systems, that can quickly discover problems in boilers, freezers, refrigerators before they can cause damage and possibly spoiled food. Trustee Wayne Schatz and Decker had this exchange about the upgrades on the system.

Shawan Stevens, transportation gave a report to the board about the bus routes, and the board approved the bus routes and non-public road travel.

There was one community member who spoke to the board and was asking for more transparency from the board.

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