Public Invited to Attend Gas and Diesel Price Working Group Meeting

Governor Mark Gordon’s Gas and Diesel Price Working Group has released its agenda for its public meetings. The first of two meetings will take place on Friday, July 15 from 1 to 5 pm in the Herschler Building’s Connector Auditorium in Cheyenne. The second meeting will take place at the same location on Friday, July 22 from 1 to 5 pm. Department of Revenue Director Brenda Henson is Chair of the working group and she said the first meeting will include presentations on the current fuel tax, the distribution of gas and diesel in Wyoming, and information on general fuel market supply and demand impacts. The public will also have the opportunity to comment and provide suggestions.
The working group includes members of the Governor’s cabinet, representatives of the transportation and agricultural sectors, citizens and legislators. A copy of the agenda that includes a Zoom link for the meeting is available here , and via a link on the homepage of the Governor’s website. Members of the public are encouraged to email Chair Brenda Henson at in advance if they wish to give a presentation.