Miss Sheridan WYO Rodeo 2023 Pageant Underway

Next week is the Sheridan WYO Rodeo, and the search is on to see who will represent and promote next year’s event.
Contestants in the Miss Sheridan WYO Rodeo 2023 pageant met Wednesday morning (July 6th) at the Sheridan County Library, to be interviewed by judges and to test their knowledge about rodeo and the Sheridan area.
Later they demonstrated their horsemanship abilities which was another part of the competition.
Thursday (July 7th) at 5:30pm at the WYO Theater is where the pageant will take place and the 2023 winners will be crowned later that evening.
Vivian Morey is one of the 2022 Sheridan WYO Rodeo princesses.
She says every contestant has their own opinion on what the easy and hard parts of the competition are.
“I think it depends on the person. For me, the part without the horse is probably tougher, just because it’s hard to learn people skills like that. Most of us already know how to ride a horse, but you also have to know how to be open to everyone and how to not be shy and so that’s just kind of the harder part for me.”
There are 4 crowns up for grabs in the pageant.
Even if there’s only 1 person competing for a crown, she doesn’t automatically get it, because contestants must score at least a 70% in various judging categories.