Governor Gordon Questions Transparency of BLM Land Acquisition

The State of Wyoming intends to appeal a recent land acquisition by the Bureau of Land Management. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Governor Mark Gordon announced that Wyoming is appealing a massive acquisition of land by the Bureau of Land Management in Carbon and Natrona Counties. The main issue of concern the State has is that the BLM did not involve the public in the acquisition process and the environmental assessment did not adequately consider impacts on tax revenues, school funding, grazing, mineral development and other natural resources.
Gordon emphasized that the change to the acquisition is focused on the adequacy and proper adherence to the process that occurred. He supports the expansion of public access for hunters and anglers, as well as opportunities for recreation. He also recognizes the rights of private landowners to sell their land as they see fit. Gordon said this action is not about limiting access for sportspeople or challenging the rights of private property owners rights, it is about whether the Federal government can increase its land holdings without public scrutiny, or should it adhere to the same transparent process that private landowners are subject to if they sought to purchase or exchange federal land. To buy or sell land the State must have a 60-day comment period and hold two public votes of the State Board of Land Commissioners. A copy of the State’s Notice of Appeal may be found here.

Ray Olson
June 21, 2022 at 10:43 am
So Wyoming is saying that land owners cannot sell their property to whomever they chose without consulting the state. Sounds pretty unrepublican to me. But then that covers most everything thatcomes out of the supposedly centrists mouth. How much is this doomed la suit going to cost the tax payers of Wyoming. He’s 0 for how many at this point?