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Sheridan County Issues Flag Day Fireworks Reminder

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The Sheridan County Board of Commissioners issued a reminder about the use of fireworks on Flag Day, Tuesday, June 14.  The use of fireworks are allowed in the unincorporated areas of Sheridan County on Flag Day from 6:01 am through 11:30 pm. Fireworks are not permitted on county land and easements or on public roads or highways. The use of fireworks are prohibited within 50 feet of any occupied structure without permission of the owner.

An occupied structure means a structure or vehicle whether or not a person is actually present; where any person lives or carries on business or other calling; where people assemble for purposes of business, government, education, religion, entertainment or public transportation; which is used for overnight accommodation of persons, or in which a person may reasonably be expected to be present. Residents are asked to be mindful of neighbors, livestock, pets and wildlife when properly using fireworks.

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