Commission to Consider Wagon Box Liquor License Renewal

A their upcoming regular meeting Tuesday, the Sheridan County Commission will consider the renewal of the retail liquor license for Wagon Box Properties, LLC d/b/a Wagon Box Inn.
The commission renewed the remainder of the county’slicenses at their last meeting, but the owners of the Wagon Box were not in attendance at that meeting, so their approval was rescheduled.
Also on the agenda for their meeting is consideration of a grant agreement between the county and the State of Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cutural Resources, State Historic Preservation Office; consideration of vacation of a public right-of-way in the Downers Addition; consideration of an amendment to the contract with the Wyoming Department of Health; a TANF grant application:
an amendment to the on the Brooks Street Greenspace Project; the Henderson Easement Vacation; and consideration of the Powder Horn Estates, Phase 1 Subdivision.
The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. Tuesday morning in the Second Floor Board Room, #220, in the sheridan County Courthouse Addition.
The meeting is open to the public.