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Sen. Kinskey talks redistricting process

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While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, District 22 Senator Dave Kinskey (R), told listeners about his insights on the redistricting process that had to take place during the recent 2022 Legislative Budget Session. 

Sen. D. Kinskey (R)

Much of the discussion revolved around the 5% deviation rule. The House of Representatives presented a plan with 62 representative seats and 31 senators. The Senate developed a 60/30 plan. This led to the need for a conference committee to settle the debate. 

Sen. D. Kinskey (R)

The resulting bill adds one senate seat and two representative seats but also leaves Sheridan County marginally above the 5% deviation. The plan also leaves Arvada, Clearmont and Sheridan County School District #3 in Sheridan County within Rep. Barry Crago’s (R) 40th district with Kinskey remaining their Senator. Story is also now represented by Crago, and within Sen. Bo Biteman’s (R) district. 

To achieve this at the final hour, the “nested” representative districts within senate districts were removed. Traditionally, two representative districts are “nested” within one senate district.

Sen. D. Kinskey (R)

The bill then went to Governor Mark Gordon who has stated he has no issues with the results but will wait to sign it until the attorney general has reviewed the bill. 

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