The Sheridan Troopers won both ends of a double-header back on Saturday (June 5th) against the Billings Halos…winning game one, 18-to-3 and game two, 21-to-2.…
The Bots Sots Remount sale took place on June 5, at the historic Trail End State Historic Site. The sale takes place to bring together horses...
The Sheridan County Commission has approved a Notice of Intent to vacate a public right-of way in the Downer Addition. County Engineer Ken Muller gave more...
The Buffalo City Council has approved a rezoning appeal for a property that had already been rezoned, and also approved a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for...
Johnson County’s Commissioners have approved and accepted two grant modifications during their recent meeting. Civil Deputy County Attorney Barry Crago explained that the first modification was...
View Photos from the 2021 Hoop Jam Event.
Photo of Fort McKinney parade ground, circa 1884 courtesy of Johnson County Jim Gatchell Memorial Museum In the movie, “Geronimo, An American Legend, one of the...
The Sheridan City Council, at their upcoming regularly scheduled business meeting Monday night, will be considering several proposed budget amendments to the budget for the fiscal...
Wyoming continues to have one of the lowest COVID-19 vaccination rates in the country with 32 percent of the state’s population being fully vaccinated. Wyoming Department...
President Joe Biden’s recently-approved Great American Outdoors Act will mean that Yellowstone National Park will soon get a facelift of sorts.
Funeral services for James Graydon Renshaw, David Robert Harker and Karen Witt Harper will be held Thursday June 10th at 10:00 a.m. at the Harness Funeral...
Funeral services for James Graydon Renshaw, David Robert Harker and Karen Witt Harper will be held Thursday June 10th at 10:00 a.m. at the Harness Funeral...
Funeral services for James Graydon Renshaw will be held Thursday June 10th at 10:00 a.m. at the Harness Funeral Home Chapel in Buffalo with Pastor Randy...
Wyoming ranchers and stockgrowers say they are concerned about what could happen to their land and lifestyle under the new 30 by 30 executive order passed...
As part of its mission to sustainably manage wild horses and burros on public lands, the Bureau of Land Management announced today that it is seeking...