Little Kitchen brings “Day of the Dogs” to Sheridan

Little Kitchen, one of Sheridan’s newest restaurants on North Main Street, brought “Day of the Dogs”, also known as “Kukur Tihar” to Sheridan. The celebration, which happens every year in Nepal, celebrates the unique relationship between people and their dogs. Dogs in Nepal are seen as the messengers of Yama, the God of death, as well as the guardians.
Just like in Nepal, the dogs that attended the event at Little Kitchen were worshipped. Tails were wagging as the dogs were offered marigold garlands and delectable treats. They were also marked on the forehead with a vermillion tika, which is a mark on the dog’s forehead that was applied by the thumb. The Tika serves to bless the dogs and those who encounter the dogs during Kukur Tihar (Day of the Dogs).

In Nepal, it is not only dogs with owners who are celebrated and worshipped. Homeless dogs are celebrated as well. While dogs with owners were in attendance, adoptable dogs from the Sheridan Dog & Cat Shelter also showed up to be blessed.
Day of the Dogs takes place in Nepal during Diwali. The celebration is a festival of lights and is one of the major festivals celebrated by Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Hindus. The popular festival, Diwali, symbolizes the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.”
While the Kukur Tihar (Day of the Dogs) is over, for now, Sheridanites are encouraged to visit Little Kitchen for lunch or dinner this week during the five-day celebration of Diwali.
Check out some of the photos of the event below.

Eric Hutchins
November 3, 2021 at 6:13 pm
It was a wonderful event and we love the restaurant and its owner. Food is amazing.