JCHC Outlines COVID-19 Reopening Plan

This week with federal and state governments beginning to restart the country’s economy, the Johnson County Healthcare Center has begun planning to resume providing healthcare services in the community while protecting the most vulnerable in the population.
That’s according to a release from them this week, which outlines the plan to reopen the facility.
“Opening Up America Again” includes guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for a three-phased approach to help local officials reopen their economies and resume healthcare services. Detailed information is at
In the release, they explained that Johnson County currently meets federal guidelines called “gating criteria” that require a decreasing trend during the most recent 14-day period for flu-like illness, COVID-like cases, documented cases and positive tests.
Additionally, JCHC will maintain sufficient COVID-19 testing capability throughout the reopening process and the State of Wyoming will continue to facilitate contact tracing.
Meeting these criteria allows JCHC to proceed with resuming specific healthcare services in line with the Wyoming governor’s COVID-19 transition plan.
JCHC will continue to work hand-in-hand with the Johnson County Emergency Operations Center and County Public Health Officer to monitor the county’s status.
If a resurgence of COVID-19 occurs, then preventive measures will be reinstated.
The three-phase plan is outlined here:
PHASE I – Effective Immediately
- JCHC will gradually resume elective surgical procedures, diagnostic imaging exams and additional outpatient care services.
- Amie Holt Care Center will remain locked down for visitation, but new residents may be admitted on a case-by-case basis if they meet strict criteria.
- JCHC will continue to offer COVID screening via telephone and evaluation and testing via our COVID Clinic.
- The Family Medicine Clinic will continue to offer telehealth visits for basic primary care needs.
- Entrances to all JCHC facilities will remain limited and controlled and all visitors and employees will continue to undergo screening for COVID symptoms.
- JCHC’s COVID inpatient visitor policy remains intact.
- Universal masking for employees and visitors is still required in all JCHC facilities.
- Non-essential travel by employees is strongly discouraged. Those who do so must quarantine from work for 14 days upon returning and forfeit Extended Illness benefit during that period.
- JCHC will continue to conserve critical PPE supplies and cash.
- High-risk individuals in our community should continue to shelter in place.
- All community members need to social distance, avoid groups of more than 10 people, practice hand hygiene and minimize non-essential travel.
PHASE II – Effective date to be determined
- Elective procedures continue as long as gating criteria still met.
- Amie Holt Care Center will remain locked down for visitation, but new residents may be admitted on a case-by-case basis if they meet strict criteria.
- JCHC will continue to offer COVID screening via telephone and via our COVID Evaluation Clinic.
- The Clinic will phase out primary care telehealth services.
- Entrances to all JCHC facilities will remain limited and controlled and all visitors and employees will continue to undergo screening for COVID-19 symptoms.
- JCHC’s COVID inpatient visitor policy remains intact.
- JCHC will reopen its employee workout room.
- Visiting healthcare specialists will be allowed to see patients at JCHC.
- JCHC will take down its Alternate Care Site at the Catholic Church.
- Non-essential travel can resume.
- High-risk individuals in our community should continue to shelter in place.
PHASE III – Effective date to be determined
- Amie Holt Care Center will allow resident visitation in stages.
- JCHC will return to normal inpatient visitation practices.
- JCHC’s volunteer program and the Happy Apple gift shop will resume operations.
- Wyoming Health Fairs wellness blood screening program will return to JCHC.
- JCHC will consider discontinuing its COVID Evaluation Clinic.
- Building entrance restrictions and screenings will likely continue for the foreseeable future.
- JCHC will consider standing down its Incident Command Center.
- High-risk individuals can resume public interactions.
- All people should consider minimizing time spent in crowded environments and continue to focus on hand hygiene.