Free Skin Cancer Screening for Firefighters held on Friday

On Friday, in conjunction with the Wyoming Academy of Dermatology convention held at Robbins Dermatology in Sheridan, Sheridan Firefighter were invited to take part in a free skin cancer screening.
Paul Juergens, of the Sheridan Fire Department, and the Wyoming State Director for the Division of the Firefighter Cancer Support Network, talked about the event.
He added that early detection very important.

Tim Thomas of the Goose Valley Fire Department and Joseph Sottile, PA, of Robbins Dermatology
The free screening in Sheridan was open to any firefighter who felt the need to have a skin cancer screening. Amber Robbins of Robbins Dermatology, added,
She said the screening was just a visual look, as they are trained to notice anything that might be of concern.

She explained why the firefighters are at higher risk for cancer,

Several members of the WAD were present at the convention, and Afton Cobb, MD, from Jackson is president of the academy.
She said that the firefighters protect and serve us, and it is the least we can do to show our appreciation.