Barrasso: ‘With Growth of AI and Other Critical Technologies, Labs Must Take China Threat Seriously’

The U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources recently held a hearing to discuss recent advances in artificial intelligence and the Department of Energy’s role in ensuring U.S. competitiveness and security in emerging technologies. U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) is a ranking member of the committee and he said AI is rapidly transforming the world and it plays an important role in the energy sector.
Barrasso said AI also raises some well documented concerns.
Senator Barrasso said if the technologies aren’t property protected, it can create a national security risk.
Barrasso closed his remarks by saying the Department of Energy and our national labs must take the China threat more seriously and we cannot let our technology fall into the hands of those in Beijing.

mark steingass
September 11, 2023 at 12:53 pm
Barrasso is right AND also wrong…while research and advancements in AI by countries like China is certainly worth careful consideration…BUT in a recent 9-6-2023 Sheridan Media article entitled “Barrasso, Lummis Join Effort to Ban Federal Mask Mandates” …don’t the Senators think China or other autocratic countries will use AI research in viral and biological weapons research for that perfect weapon?…those federal mask mandates could be a crucial life saving mechanism at a potential point in future time