SCSD#3 Board Approves Strategic Plan

At the SCSD#3 board meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 9, Chairman Amy Vineyard was absent, and vice-chair Wade Betz chaired the meeting. Several items were discussed, and the board heard a report from assistant technology director Jonathan Broersma, about the new technology at the school and the new Chromebooks.

Broersma also mentioned the new A/C App that is available for parents, staff and students.
Superintendent Chase Christensen said the school is fully accredited for the upcoming year. He showed a slide of the certificate of accreditation as well. He added,
The board discussed two board policies, evaluation of the instuctional staff, and the student publication policy.
Christensen said
The board also approved the 2023-24 revised budget.

Bus routes and drivers for the 2023-34 year were approved. Two resignations, Stephanie Buhr, head cook and bus driver, as well as Payton Vrbas, Head Volleyball coach, were approved by the board.
The schools strategic plan was approved.

A/C Strategic Plan is as follows:
Increase Student Achievement
Provide excellent literacy skills for each student.
Quality implementation of Wit & Wisdom and Study Sync K-12.
Professional Development Audit (what is our focus)
Walk through data
Instructional coach report
Superintendent report
Quality implementation of The Writing Revolution 7-12.
Professional Development Audit (what is our focus)
Walk through data
Instructional coach report
Superintendent report
Ensuring each student reads well using screeners.
MRF data
MAP Growth data
CORE Phonics data
Provide active, engaging, and explicit instruction in each classroom.
Provision of resources and professional development for staff to successfully implement the instructional framework.
Review inservice agenda
Review of walkthrough data to capture progress toward implementation.
Ensure that students and staff feel welcome and safe.
Consistent use of culture and climate survey.
Shared out at next board meeting.
Consistent use of self-efficacy survey.
Shared out at next board meeting.
Quality implementation of Sources of Strength.
Professional Development Audit (what is our focus)
Walk through data
Instructional coach report
Superintendent report
Build a culture of trust through highly effective communication processes.
Hold quarterly listening sessions (roundtables) with community members.
Develop a community survey to provide feedback.
Weekly email/text/etc. to the community. Involve vocab work, what is coming up, what is the work of the district, link to a Google Form for feedback.
PLC and committee report out during board meeting / work-session / superintendent report.
Conversation occurs as part of a public meeting.
Prepare each student for their postsecondary goals.
Develop extended Flex opportunities.
Report to board
Increase work-based learning opportunities.
Report to board
Ensure that each student meets college/career readiness measure in WAEA.
WAEA model -> 100%

The next meeting will be on September 13, at 7 p.m.