City Council members talk rezoning committees

Sheridan City Council Members Kristin Jennings and Andrew Patceg made an appearance on Sheridan Meida’s Public Pulse to discuss the possible rezoning of two separate sections of the City of Sheridan.
Sheridan County officials have requested the City of Sheridan to annex six election islands, and according to the City, many of which have activities on them that don’t conform to current City zoning.
Councilman Patceg serves on the M1/M2 Zoning Committee. This committee is examining the current uses of the land and possible solutions to rezone without placing existing entities or businesses out of a zoning regulation or in a grandfather status.
According to the City, much of Coffeen Avenue has historically been zoned as industrial. But with Sheridan’s growth, this area has slowly come to be used for more commercial businesses. There is a risk that heavy industrial businesses could move in and risk harm to the commercial businesses.
Patceg said the City has no intention of regulating existing businesses in the area and should one of the businesses wish to expand in the future, placing them in a grandfathered status could prevent expansion, something the City also has no intention of hampering through zoning regulation.
Councilwoman Jennings serves on the Downtown Business District Committee. She said the conversations are still in the infant stages but the City intends to ensure the downtown area remains vibrant and inviting for current and future businesses.
Learn more about the City of Sheridan planning and zoning processes, here.