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Storage Unit and Outbuilding Burglaries

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On April 9, 2020, the Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office began investigating reports of several storage unit burglaries. The burglaries involved suspects cutting the locks and stealing items from the units. Through the investigation, two suspects were identified as Rachael Rodriguez (age 28) and Jeremiah Thompson-Muzquiz (age 31).

On April 17, 2020, with assistance from the Sheridan Police Department and Wyoming DCI, the Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office executed search warrants at three separate locations. Multiple stolen items were recovered involving the storage unit burglaries. Many other items, believed to be stolen, were seized.

The Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office believes there are several other victims within Sheridan County who are unaware their storage unit or outbuildings have been burglarized. Sheridan County residents are asked to check their storage units and outbuildings for signs of burglary and report any burglary or theft by calling the dispatch center at 672-2413.

If anyone has purchased items from Rodriguez or Thompson-Muzquiz, they are encouraged to contact the Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office as those items may be stolen.

Rodriguez and Thompson-Muzquiz were arrested due to these crimes and official charges are pending.



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    April 20, 2020 at 9:43 am

    Caught red-handed. I think a public shaming is in order.

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    Dennis Fox

    April 20, 2020 at 4:35 pm

    The longer Wyoming stay closed, the greater the temptation is for crime. Not an excuse, just a proven correlation between crime and poverty. Let’s be the first in the nation to Open Wyoming for Business.
    We’ve had the least health impact, so we should lead the nation in a “return to normal.” Wyoming: Open for Business!

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      Harriett Oleson

      April 20, 2020 at 6:19 pm

      Dennis… Could it be that Wyoming has had the” least health impact” because Wyoming folks are smart enough to know that if you have some sick animals, you separate the sick ones from your healthy ones and keep them separate. . Also Wyoming folks are courteous, concerned about others and Believe their doctors . As to your premise sir, the longer we stay closed the higher the crime, that premise, at this time is- certainly, a very big streeeccchhhhhh!!!!

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        April 21, 2020 at 8:29 am

        Could it be the “low impact” be Wyoming having the least population of the union? I mean cows do outnumber humans in this state. The spring we always see notices of burglaries although the burglaries usually involve cabins on the Big Horns.

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    Mike Hanson

    April 20, 2020 at 5:06 pm

    I had construction tools stolen out of storage unit a few years ago. It here anyway I can check if there is anything of mine

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    Dennis Fox

    April 20, 2020 at 11:46 pm

    It’s a fact that poverty kills many times more people, world-wide, than disease. Wyoming has the fewest cases and deaths, so it’s time to re-open our economy, before unemployment leads to broke people getting desperate. A closed economy could spark an uptick in crime. No “premise” just an observation of the facts at hand.

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