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Trunk or Treat at The Hub on Smith

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The Hub on Smith in Sheridan will be hosting a Trunk or Treat event on Halloween evening from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the Hub parking lot at 211 Smith Street. There will be popcorn, hot apple cider and trick or treating. Kids will also have the opportunity to have their picture taken with the “Big Bad Wolf” and “Little Red Riding Hood.”

The Hub is asking for candy donations and volunteers who would like to dress up and decorate their cars to hand out candy. Candy donations can be dropped off at The Hub Monday through Friday between 8 am and 4 pm before October 28. If you would like to sign up to hand out candy on that night, please either call 672-2240 or drop by the front desk at The Hub on Smith. The Hub is a Center for All Generations and is excited to host this event that will allow for safe trick or treating and an opportunity for patrons and friends to enjoy Halloween. For questions, please call 672-2240 and ask for Sheree or email

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