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Only One Job Left for Liz Cheney – She Can Be Joe Biden’s Attack Dog

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Have you ever seen a political plunge go any deeper or faster than Wyoming’s lone U. S. Congressperson Liz Cheney has managed since Jan. 6, 2021?

Let’s examine how such a fall could happen. 

A familiar refrain often heard from politicians is that sometimes you “just hold your nose and cast your vote.”  We have all heard that hundreds of times. That is the essence of politics, especially in Congress. 

No matter how “honorable” you might be or how awful the situation is, often U. S. Representatives just take a deep breath and cast their vote. They will live to see another day. 

But not Liz Cheney. She has been honored for her “principled” stance against former President Donald Trump when she voted to impeach him.

Let’s just note that had she gone along she had a good chance of being the next Speaker of the House after the 2022 midterm elections. 

That is the third most powerful position in the country and a certain springboard toward the presidency. 

And even if she fell short in getting the speakership, her position of power would still be extraordinary for someone in Congress for such a short time. 

She gave all that up. 

She says she acted on “principle.” Yet more than 200 of her other Republican Congresspeople chose not to vote on a resolution certain to fail. Do all of them not have principles? They are still in their offices, representing their constituents, and moving up the leadership ladder. 

After her disastrous decision to vote to impeach and her even more disastrous decision to run for reelection, she is now in an almost permanent political purgatory in today’s Trump-controlled Republican party. 

The chances of a Wyoming Congressperson becoming Speaker of the House is just about zero. It’s never happened in 132 years so far. Far into the future, historians will look back at her political decisions with amazement and disbelief. 

Politicians love to talk about their principles. If everything to do with Liz’s decisions had to do with principle, then good for her. We sure want to believe her.

However, her detractors will remind us of how Trump spent four years mocking and criticizing the George Bush-Dick Cheney war plan in Iraq and Afghanistan. Trump tweeted that the $3 trillion spent by Bush-Cheney in the Mideast was the biggest financial and military fiasco in American history. And based on how things are today in the Mideast, Trump said the Bush-Cheney effort was a total foreign policy disaster. And everybody knows those plans were hatched by Dick Cheney, Liz’s father. 

Could it be that when Liz Cheney finally got the chance to poke Trump in the eye (by voting for impeachment) like Trump had been poking her dad (over those wars) — would it be possible that she just could not help herself? Here was her chance to get even. Here was her chance to fight back after four miserable years of hearing Trump’s nasty denigration of her father.

Or was it just principle? This might have been the most expensive decision made in recent memory by a politician in the name of principle. Just look at what she lost and what the people of Wyoming lost because of her principles.

Has an incumbent with a famous name ever lost an election by such a large margin as when Liz Cheney lost to Harriet Hageman on Aug. 16? If any ever did, there no doubt was a scandal. 

No scandal here, just incredibly bad timing and short-sighted and ill-advised decision-making. 

It needs to be pointed out that Wyoming owes a huge debt of gratitude to the entire Cheney family for decades of service to our state and our country. It is hard to write a column like this one without also making sure some recognition is made for all the accomplishments of Dick, Lynne, and Liz Cheney. But that was then, this is now.

So here we are, in the aftermath of a horrible year for Liz Cheney — where does this media-described modern Joan of Arc go from here?

Despite her genuine conservative Republican principles, she is now only the occasional darling of liberal media and the national Democrat Party. 

Her loss was so substantive that any decision on her part to run for president sounds foolish. It would be a farce. 

But there is one job for which she is in high demand. 

If the Republicans take back the House, then the Jan. 6 Commission will expire. She has been able to do most of her Trump-bashing from her position as Pelosi’s hand-picked vice-chairman of that group.  If that Congressional Commission goes away, I predict that President Joe Biden will appoint a new Presidential Commission to continue their work. And who do you think he will pick to be its chairman? How about Liz Cheney?



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    Cleo Haler

    October 10, 2022 at 12:06 pm

    May I just point out that Republicans are the ones who “held their noses” and voted for Trump. And are still supporting him. It is just beyond any kind of rational. Trump is not a Christian–look at his record–adultery, womanizing, cheating and lying, racist bigot, just to name a few of his more odious un-Christian habits.

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    Charles Cole

    October 10, 2022 at 12:34 pm

    Trying to find “principled behavior” in the actions of Liz Cheney is a total fool’s errand. As correctly pointed out in this piece, this was about “getting even,” i.e. about petty, personal animosities. In pursuing that course of action Cheney did what she accused (and still accuses) her nemesis (Trump) of doing: needlessly attacking others based on personal grievances rather than sound policy. She richly deserves not only the thumping she took in August at the polls, but also the genuine contempt in which she is held in constitutional conservative circles. So, let her function as Biden’s Hate Trump attack dog. What a legacy that is likely to leave.

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      Sandra Fitz

      October 10, 2022 at 2:20 pm

      Bill Sniffin along with you being a fire-breathing journalist I am so very happy you are not a politician. Your hatetrd is so unprofessional. Please tell your fellow Republicans too stop with the inbreeding! It’s setting back humanity for another century.

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    Mike McLaughlin

    October 10, 2022 at 11:38 pm

    Good bye! You won’t be missed Liz……… Your job at clinton news network is waiting

  4. Avatar photo

    Fred Osborn

    October 11, 2022 at 8:18 am

    This abhorrent article is total joke aimed at fool voters who are led by the sheep mentality. Priceless…and to think they walk among us.

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    Marci Shaver

    October 14, 2022 at 10:20 pm

    Liz is apparently the only Wyoming Republican elected official with the integrity to actually take the oath of office seriously. Trump lost the election, but to this day insists – with absolutely no evidence – that it was stolen. Anyone who still believes him him is living in la-la land. Trump and his devotees are working to destroy our representative republic, but Liz is fighting to preserve it. She’s a conservative through and through, and a firm believer in the rule of law. I support her.

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    Bill Postno

    October 15, 2022 at 6:15 pm

    So who the heck are you judge her motivations? The hearings have had more impact that any hearings since Watergate. Trump did something profoundly wrong. Watch what the two dozen Republican witnesses said at the hearings. Bill: you’ve got your eyes closed, on purpose, and you are attributing bad motives to someone who is saving our country. Thank goodness she doesn’t care what you think.

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