Legislators Talk Issues at Breakfast Meeting

Four of Sheridan County’s state legislators shared their thoughts on the upcoming legislative session in Cheyenne and fielded questions from the audience on issues from a statewide lodging tax to wildlife conservation in a breakfast attended by their constituents Wednesday.
Sen. Dave Kinskey said the budget session that starts on Feb. 10 will be a very important one.
Sen. Bo Biteman said he was also concerned about oil and gas prices in the state. He said the situation isn’t quite as bad as in 2015, but oil prices in Wyoming are falling and again under the $50 mark.

But Rep. Mark Kinner, who’s a member of the House Appropriations Committee, said he chooses to remain optimistic about the future of Wyoming and talked about some of the accomplishments already made by the committee heading into the budget session.
Rep. Cyrus Western noted that the state of Wyoming still has savings in the bank, and the Legislature, and the state, still have time to work on the state’s economic issues. Rep. Richard Tass did not attend Wednesday’s meeting. The breakfast session was hosted by the Sheridan County Chamber of Commerce’s governmental affairs committee. Sheridan Media will have stories later on some of the specific issues addressed at the meeting.